Awesome Epistolary Novels

There are few things I love more than reading books and writing letters. So, I suppose it makes perfect sense that I adore a good epistolary novel. For those of you unfamiliar with the term, epistolary novels tell their story through a series of letters, diary entries, or documents. For me, this format evokes a…

Stop Striving For Perfection

This post originally appeared on my new site Cappuccinos & Chaos. If you like this, go check out more here! How many of us are trying to live up to the Superwoman trope and feel like we’re failing? If you are anything like me, you are trying to do everything, be everything, and failing under the…

A Letter For My Daughter On Life Lessons

I find that being a parent is, by far, the most challenging job I have ever had. There are many days when I am acutely aware of my shortcomings both as a mother and as a human. I am often short-tempered, frequently too busy, too controlling, and far too anxious. I worry that my child, whom…

The Upside Of Unemployment

I have been quite silent as of late, in case you haven’t noticed. I’m a bit mad with myself over it, as I was reaching a good stride with regular posting. I have been going through a small crisis, you see, that has pulled me away from almost everything. Shortly before I posted my plea…

Food Talk: Brunch Chilaquiles

When it comes to food, two of my very favorite things are brunch and Mexican food. Mexican cuisine is literally perfect and tacos are my one true soulmate. Brunch sometimes gets a bad rep for being over the top, fancy, and the most first world thing ever. I don’t care though, because I can never…

Random Thursday Thoughts

The laundromat near where I work sells cacti. They just hang out in the front window near a wall of dryers and a detergent display under an old sign that says “Cactus Sale”. Every single day I pass this sign and wonder what would posses the owner of a laundromat to sell these tiny resilient…

Bad Marriage Advice

Today I’m letting you guys in on some of the weirdest marriage advice I’ve ever received. Most of this horrible advice was said directly to me and geared toward me as a woman. Some of it is sexist and outdated, while some is just comical, cliched, and strange. I get it, NOBODY is an expert on…

Friday Food Talk: Pesto Flatbread Pizza

Every once in a while, something comes along that makes  me cry tears of joy. Recently it was these delicious naan flatbreads, because I LOVE naan, but sometimes it can be a hassle to make. The Stonefire ones are amazing, soft, tasty and all of the wonderful things Naan should be, with the added bonus…

Random Thursday Thoughts

Why is there no font to adequately convey sarcasm? Think about it. We have ALL CAPS for yelling, HaLf CaPs for idiocy, italic and BOLD for emphasis, hell, we even have emoji keyboards to convey any range of random shit. Still, though, no goddamn font or indicator for my frequent use of sarcasm. Isn’t that just wonderful…

A Caffeinated Parody

I’d like a medium coffee, cream and sugar, and one blueberry muffin please. What flavor coffee? No flavor, just coffee. Yes, coffee, but what flavor for the coffee. I don’t want flavored coffee. Just regular coffee. Oh, regular coffee with milk and sugar.  No milk, cream please. Just a medium sized hot coffee, no flavor,…